
Non Attendances

Unfortunately we had a total of 36 patients missed appointments in February 2025 which has resulted in 8 hours of wasted appointment time. Missed appointments cause the waiting times for an appointment to be much longer than necessary. 

Patients will be removed from the practice list if they continue to miss appointments. 

You can cancel your appointments by phone, email or by using your online services app. 

Changes to NHS app minimum device requirements

The minimum software version required to run the NHS app is changing on 3 February 2025.

Following this date, the minimum operating system required to run the NHS app will be:

  • Apple iOS 15 and above

  • Android version 8 and above

This means that devices running software versions lower than this will no longer be able to use the NHS app. This will affect people who use the following versions of iOS and Android operation systems:

  • iOS 12

  • Android 6

  • Android 7

These users will not be able to access the NHS App via the app on their phones and will need to access the NHS App via their web browser. 

Please visit Technical issues with the NHS App - NHS App help and support - NHS  for more information and help. 

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS

IPS are specialists in supporting people who have experienced mental and physical illness to find employment at a pace that works for them.

If you are thinking about fi nding full or part-time work, or would like more
information around employment you can ask to be referred to your local
Employment Specialist by a member of your Primary Care Network team.
Alternatively you can self-refer by emailing

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS

Employment Support in Primary Care IPS Retention


Need help with your muscle or joint problems?
NHS South East Essex MSK app is now available to all patients. It’s a FREE, easy-to-use tool helping you to self-manage your muscle, bone, and joint (MSK) injuries and

For more information please visit the GetUbetter section on our website: GetUBetter

National data opt-out

The national data opt-out was introduced on 25 May 2018, enabling patients to opt out from the use of their data for research or planning purposes, in line with the recommendations of the National Data Guardian in her Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs

Patients can view or change their national data opt-out choice at any time by using the online service at or by calling 0300 3035678.

By 2020 all health and care organisations are required to be compliant with the national data opt-out policy. NHS Digital and Public Health England are already compliant and are applying national data opt-outs. 

Carers Noticeboard

Are you a carer?

Please let us know if you are providing care for someone.

Do you have a carer?

Please let us know if you currently have a carer providing care for you.


        Would you like to know more about the following?


                          Essex Young Carers Service

The Essex Young Carers Service offer free personalised support to young carers and their families that will be developed with you around your need for help and the carling you do.


Telephone: 0345 743 0430

                                   Carers UK

Carers UK makes life better for carers.

Caring will affect us all at some point in our lives. We'll be here for you when that happens. With your help, we can be there for the 6,000 people who start looking after someone each day.

We give expert advice, information and support.

Caring can be extremely complicated. The maze of rights and entitlements can be complicated. Filling in paperwork can be complicated. Getting a break can be complicated. Our feelings about caring can certainly be complicated.

We're here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don't have to care alone. 

Our expert telephone advice and support service is here if you want to talk about caring. If you're looking for answers, our online information and support is the best place to start.


We connect carers so no-one has to care alone.

Every day 6,000 people become carers. It can be bewildering if you don't know where to turn for help and support.

Through our carers' groups and volunteers we're reaching out in local communities throughout the UK and online.

If you're new to caring, we want to make sure you get the right support from the start.


 We campaign together for lasting change.

We're at the forefront of the carers’ movement, bringing carers together to have a voice and deliver lasting change.

We’ll keep campaigning until we can all look after loved ones without putting our own lives on hold.


We innovate to find new ways to reach and support carers.

Our expertise and insight drawn from carers’ experiences helps us find better ways to support carers.

We work with local authorities and other organisations to improve services for carers throughout the UK.


  Visit the carers UK website:


Call:020 7378 4999
Write to:  Carers UK, 20 Great Dover Street, London SE1 4LX

    Care Compare

    Care Compare is a free-to-use, secure digital comparison tool that enables patients (or relatives looking on their behalf) to find domiciliary care i.e. care delivered in their own home by a care company. This care includes: help with activities of daily living such as washing/preparing meals/getting dressed, companionship, night-time care or 24/7 live-in care. At the moment, CareCompare does not include nursing homes. 

    Please click on the link below for more information: 

    Care Compare

    Carers Information Booklet

    http:// is the governments website dedicated to carers, and contains a wide range of information.

    Useful Contacts

    Carers Direct:         0808 8020202

    Crossroads:            01268 660860

    Castle Point Association of Voluntary Services:01268 638416

    Carers Hotline, Essex County Council Carers Assessment Line:        01248 434375


    The Essex Care Services Directory has been produced by Care Choices to help you make decisions about care in Essex and Southend-on-Sea.

    Care Choices Website

    Use it to find care homes near you, home care in your area, and much more.

    The information on care includes:

    • Where carers can go for support
    • How to stay independent for longer
    • How paying for care works

    Call 01223 207770 for a free copy of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Care Services Directory.


    Are You a Carer?

    If you are please let us know - we may be able to help you

    There is a wealth of information on the NHS website about carers and caring. Below are some links into the site that we hope you will find useful.

    Contact Carers Direct

    0808 802 0202
    Helpline Information
    Office Hours
    Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.

    Finance and Law

    Help claiming benefits, looking after your bank balance and understanding the legal issues of caring.

    • Benefits for carers

      Directing carers to the benefits that can help them in their caring role

    • Benefits for the under-65s

      Advice and information on helping the person you look after get the benefits that they are entitled to.

      Benefits for the over-65s

      Advice and information on financial support for older people with a disability or illness.

    • Carer's Assement

      How your benefits maybe affected after the death of the person you look after and what happens to their benefits

    • Other benefits

      Advice for carers and the people they are looking after on claiming a whole host of other benefits unrelated to their disability or caring

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